Overview Hiring in staff comes at a price and in many cases you can gain all of the benefits you require by outsourcing the work (to me!). I personally have ...
There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to meet a company’s business needs. We can support you in most aspects of your business needs, however big or small. Common ...
I'M HERE YOU'RE THERE NO PROBLEM!Suggestions to lighten your load One of the biggest 'stealers of time' is email. I know that when I was previously employed I was wasting ...
Cost-effectiveness is one of the major advantages of using a virtual assistant. You are paying for the time spent on your project. You don’t need to worry about paying NI, ...
HOLIDAY COVER SHORT TERM ASSISTANCE Is your PA/Admin support going on holiday and you need cover? Do you normally hire a Temp, who you have never met and does not ...